iTunes ratings to Rhythmbox

2009-07-15  2 minute read

Recently I got so tired of Windows, that I decided to throw it out completely. I stopped playing video games on my PC for about a year or so, since I bought a new Xbox 360 (the old one had a RROD, and was banned from Xbox Live anyway). So I installed Gentoo on my desktop, and with that, I  no longer use iTunes.

Remote logging to syslog-ng

2009-12-15 stintel  2 minute read

To be able to keep some log history of my OpenWRT based router, I want to send its output to a remote syslog server.

Fortunately I have another machine that is running 24/7, so I don't have to send it over the WAN link to one of my servers in the datacenter. My HTPC is running Gentoo Linux, and I configured syslog-ng as syslog daemon.

Dist-upgrade Etch to Lenny

2009-02-18 stintel  1 minute read

Since Debian Lenny was finally released not so long ago, I started upgrading some machines. Unfortunately, aptitude dist-upgrade complained about a few packages:

Drupal migration, part two

2009-11-26 stintel  1 minute read

After migrating my blog to Drupal, the old Wordpress style URL's were broken, as explained here. At that time, I was trying to fix them with mod_rewrite, but didn't succeed.

Dell BIOS update in Linux

2009-02-04 stintel  1 minute read

Because I always forget ... To update your Dell BIOS in Linux, download the .exe BIOS file from the Dell website. Extract the HDR file with "wine D630_A15.EXE -writehdrfile".

Zimbra on CentOS 5.4

2009-12-08 stintel  2 minute read

Some time ago I started to experiment with Zimbra a little bit. I already installed it a few times, and I heard many good things about the new release.

Because I ran into several issues with Debian and Ubuntu in the past, I decided to try Zimbra on CentOS. So I installed a clean CentOS 5.4 VM to test Zimbra on. I downloaded ZCS 6.0.3 for RHEL5, and then the fun started ...

Sagem F@st 3464 vs GPL

2009-11-04 stintel  3 minute read

Some months ago, I ordered a Dommel SpeedConnect Plus connection. Since Dommel is using the network of the monopolist Belgacom in Belgium, I am forced to buy one specific type of VDSL2 router: Sagem F@st 3464. If you want to know why Belgacom forces this type of modem, you can find the report of the BIPT here, in English, Dutch or French.

Zimbra, CalDAV, Lightning, iPhone

2009-12-08 stintel  2 minute read

After I got my Zimbra server up and running, and configured some domains and accounts, I started playing with the calendar sharing and syncing. What I want is simple: to access my Zimbra calendar with Lightning, a calender add-on for Mozilla Thunderbird, and with my iPhone.

Gentoo gnome-light

2009-02-17 stintel  1 minute read

I have always had a problem with Evolution being installed when emerging gnome on my Gentoo system. Even with "-evo -eds" use flags, it still wanted Evolution. Evolution is a BIG piece of CRAP, and I don't want it anywhere on my system

iPhone 3.1.2, Cydia and Icy

2009-10-26 stintel  2 minute read

So, recently I updated my iPhone to 3.1.2. Unfortunately, the custom firmware image I used contained both Cydia and Icy. I don't own an Apple computer myself, so I am unable to build my own custom IPSW, so I asked somebody else. And no, I will not use redsn0w because it sucks. It never worked for me on my iPhone 2G, it always came in recovery mode while it should go in DFU mode. Or was it the other way around

Website performance issues

2009-11-15 stintel  2 minute read

If you recently visited my website (let's say in the last two or three days), you might have noticed some performance issues. It seems I didn't pay that much attention to the MySQL binary logging configuration, when I enabled this feature so that I could do point-in-time recovery in case something goes wrong.

Drupal migration

2009-08-19 stintel  1 minute read

As you might have already noticed, I recently migrated my blog from WordPress to Drupal. I used the WP2Drupal to import all WordPress posts from my old blog into my new Drupal-based website. It worked pretty good, except for some images that were missing, and some stuff showed up that didn't belong in posts, like Captcha text.

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