iTunes ratings to Rhythmbox

2009-07-15  2 minute read

Recently I got so tired of Windows, that I decided to throw it out completely. I stopped playing video games on my PC for about a year or so, since I bought a new Xbox 360 (the old one had a RROD, and was banned from Xbox Live anyway). So I installed Gentoo on my desktop, and with that, I  no longer use iTunes.

Dist-upgrade Etch to Lenny

2009-02-18 stintel  1 minute read

Since Debian Lenny was finally released not so long ago, I started upgrading some machines. Unfortunately, aptitude dist-upgrade complained about a few packages:

Gentoo gnome-light

2009-02-17 stintel  1 minute read

I have always had a problem with Evolution being installed when emerging gnome on my Gentoo system. Even with "-evo -eds" use flags, it still wanted Evolution. Evolution is a BIG piece of CRAP, and I don't want it anywhere on my system

Dell BIOS update in Linux

2009-02-04 stintel  1 minute read

Because I always forget ... To update your Dell BIOS in Linux, download the .exe BIOS file from the Dell website. Extract the HDR file with "wine D630_A15.EXE -writehdrfile".

Non-English comments

2008-10-14  1 minute read

Dear readers of my blog, this post is in reply to some comments that I did not approve... As you might have noticed I write all my posts in English, although English isn't my native language. I do this because I think everybody in the IT world should know English ...

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