If you recently visited my website (let's say in the last two or three days), you might have noticed some performance issues. It seems I didn't pay that much attention to the MySQL binary logging configuration, when I enabled this feature so that I could do point-in-time recovery in case something goes wrong.
Tags: mysql
Although Murphy didn't want it to happen (there has been a power outage at the testing center, which resulted in a fried core switch, and thereĀ was no spare switch of the same type), I passed the MySQL 5.0 DBA II exam today.
Today, I passed the MySQL 5.0 DBA I exam.
Some time ago I tried "emerge mysql-gui-tools" on my Gentoo x86_64 box. Unfortunately, the compilation process failed because of some errors (will include the error in this post when I find the time to reproduce it). Today, I'm preparing myself for MySQL DBA certification, and I really need the MySQL Administrator tool, so at first I downloaded the precompiled tar archive from the MySQL website, which worked without any problems.