Yesterday I picked up the Banana Pi BPI-F3 I ordered 2 weeks ago. It is joining the small army of RISC-V devices I already own:
Espressif ESP32-C3 (20x)
Espressif ESP32-C6 (20x)
SiFive HiFive Unmatched
StarFive VisionFive 2
After giving the Armbian Noble image a quick try and being unimpressed, I decided to try installing Gentoo on it. I'll be documenting the process here. The first step: compile U-Boot.
As I already mentioned in my previous post about the XPS 13, I had issues with the touchpad: it freezes rather frequently, because it looses sync a lot. After losing sync for a few times, the psmouse driver issues a reconnect request. And when that happens, the touchpad freezes. It looks like this in the kernel log:
Jul 26 15:43:19 sylvester kernel: psmouse serio1: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 4
Jul 26 15:43:19 sylvester kernel: psmouse serio1: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 1
Jul 26 15:43:19 sylvester kernel: psmouse serio1: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 1
Jul 26 15:43:19 sylvester kernel: psmouse serio1: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 1
Jul 26 15:43:19 sylvester kernel: psmouse serio1: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 1
Jul 26 15:43:19 sylvester kernel: psmouse serio1: issuing reconnect request
Many people I know use a laptop for almost anything, anywhere. When they arrive at the office, they hook it up to an external monitor, and use an external keyboard and mouse or trackpad. I prefer to have a proper workstation, with powerful CPU and GPU, lots of RAM and multiple large monitors. As it's rather difficult to take this setup with me to meetings, or when travelling, I still require a secondary device that I can take with me everywhere I go. Some people seem to be OK with a tablet for that purpose, but that just doesn't work for me.
As you could read in one of my previous posts, I have been investigating my Sagem F@st 3464 modem a little, to see if it ran Linux (which it does). With the help of this topic, I was able to login into the modem with telnet. After entering the password and typing the "shell" command, I was presented an ash shell with BusyBox.
So, recently I updated my iPhone to 3.1.2. Unfortunately, the custom firmware image I used contained both Cydia and Icy. I don't own an Apple computer myself, so I am unable to build my own custom IPSW, so I asked somebody else. And no, I will not use redsn0w because it sucks. It never worked for me on my iPhone 2G, it always came in recovery mode while it should go in DFU mode. Or was it the other way around