Wordpress app for iPhone

2008-07-23 stintel  1 minute read

Monday I upgraded my iPhone to the 2.0 firmware, so now I can use apps from the App Store. Fancy and all ;-) So, I was browsing through the available applications, when I found the WordPress app.

SSH authentication failure with PuTTY

2008-07-23  2 minute read

Today I experienced a rather strange problem with SSH authentication. Someone in the company where I am working today, requested a password change for his account on some machine. Because the account is used by different persons, I asked him to give me the original password. Of course I first tested the username and password combination myself, and I was actually able to login with it.

My CBR600F

2008-06-11 stintel  1 minute read

This monday I finally got my motorcycle. There was a problem with the battery, so I was unable to get it on Sunday. Why are those damn stores always closed when you need them :-( So, as promised, I will show some pictures.


2008-06-04 stintel  1 minute read

Sweet! Yesterday I got my drivers license for the motor cycle. Today I got insurance, and my license plate. The only thing left is to get the bike itself...

Drivers license for motorcycle

2008-05-13 stintel  1 minute read

Last week, it took me about 1.5 hours to get home from a customer, although it was only 17km from my place. Belgian traffic seems to get worse every day, for some reason, and I am really fed up with all this.

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