After I got my Zimbra server up and running, and configured some domains and accounts, I started playing with the calendar sharing and syncing. What I want is simple: to access my Zimbra calendar with Lightning, a calender add-on for Mozilla Thunderbird, and with my iPhone.

After some googling, I found the correct way to access your Zimbra calendar with Lightning via CalDAV here. I used the URL without the password in it. Added a new network calendar in Lightning, chose CalDAV format, and entered the location (https://my.zimbra.server/dav/my@email.address/Calendar), named it Calendar@Zimbra, and a new calender showed up in the calendar list. After right clicking it and selecting "Reload Remote Calendars", the few appointments I created in my Zimbra calender showed up. Cool!

Since this worked for Lightning, I added the same configuration into my iPhone. Unfortunately that didn't work. I found here that I needed to use a different URL in the iPhone. So I changed the account URL in the advanced settings of the CalDAV account to https://my.zimbra.server:443/principals/users/my@email.address, and when I went back into the Calendar app and went to the calendar selection screen, I saw all calendars I have created on my Zimbra account. Way cool!

Of course, I like the way the iPhone shows all calendars, rather than Lightning that only shows the one calendar I configured. I tried adding a calendar in Lightning with the same path I used in my iPhone, but that didn't work. I also tried the path I tried first, but without the "/Calendar" part in the end, and that also didn't work. I guess I can just add all of my calenders in Lightning. Might be a little more work, but it still does the job.

Yay, now I can finally sync my calendar to my iPhone without having to use bloody iTunes (and Windows) :-)