Some time ago I tried "emerge mysql-gui-tools" on my Gentoo x86_64 box. Unfortunately, the compilation process failed because of some errors (will include the error in this post when I find the time to reproduce it). Today, I'm preparing myself for MySQL DBA certification, and I really need the MySQL Administrator tool, so at first I downloaded the precompiled tar archive from the MySQL website, which worked without any problems.
Only one country where you can see screw-ups like these:
OK, this issue has annoyed me long enough. Time for some ranting. I have a PC running Windows Vista. I have an iPod Shuffle, and I also have an iPhone. Now, the combination of these things is just terrible. Whenever I connect my iPhone or my iPod to my PC, I get the annoying message "This USB device can perform faster if you connect it to a Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port".
Since Apache version 2.2, the LDAP authentication module is no longer called auth_ldap, but rather authnz_ldap. During a migration of an Apache 2.0 to Apache 2.2, I ran into some problems which caused a failure to start Apache.
Today, I passed the Novell Certified Linux Professional exam.